Hi Members,
Thank you to our members who braved the conditions of the July rally. From all accounts, it sounds like I missed a great rally and thank you again to Bec Cartwright for doing a superb job running the show and to Gen Brocksopp, always on hand and a huge help to the DC team.
A very warm welcome to even more new members at our August rally!
This month we officially welcome aboard Eleanor Shepard, Mimi Pender and Eloise Barton. Mimi joins us from North Eastern pony club, but has been a very welcome addition to our games team recently, so is already a familiar face around the club and Eloise joins us from Hurstbridge Pony Club, but as a long time pony clubber is also a familiar face to many already.
Eleanor is quite new to the horse scene, but has been a very keen spectator at our rallies and is very excited to now officially be part of the team. Please make sure you welcome these riders and take the time to stop and chat…it can make a big difference!
Out and About
Lovely to see our riders continuing to compete throughout winter in a variety of disciplines. Quite a few riders braced those icy minus zero conditions a few weeks back to spend 2 days at the Bacchus Marsh HT and some showed their flair for showing at the well named Hurstbridge Winter Woollies competition. Congratulations to Annalise Turner, who won the Grade 3 PC section of the Bacchus Marsh Horse Trials on her lovely new horse, “Spring”.
Interzone Team Horse Trials 2015-Entries Now Open
A highlight of the Grade 3 and 4 eventing calendar, this wonderful team event will this year be held at the new PCAV Equestrian Centre in Gladysvale, over 2 days on the 12 & 13th September.
This is a fantastic opportunity for Grade 3 and 4 riders to represent our Zone at a State level event and I strongly encourage interested members to read through the information via the link below.
Entries and payment must be submitted via our Zone Representative before the 14th August, as per details below. If you have any queries or would like to chat about the event, please email or chat to me at the rally.
Zone contact: Linda Smith
Address: PO Box 184 Kangaroo Ground 3097
Phone: 0419 005 069
New Rally Attendance Requirements
A reminder that riders are required to participate in 2 sessions at a rally in order to gain an official attendance. Riders on 2 horses, can still gain attendance for both horses, as long as they complete 2 sessions in total.If there are special circumstances which may prevent you from meeting this requirement at a rally, please chat to the DC.
Getting to know our website
We have a wonderful website with a wealth of information, ranging from rally day to PCAV rules to downloadable forms. To reduce email and phone traffic, we would appreciate it if you could find the time to become familiar with our website.
We still get a lot of queries regarding Guest riders and Use of Grounds, so we have clarified some of the guidelines below, but the relevant forms are all available and can be downloaded from the “About” drop down box on the home page.
Member access to grounds.
We love to see our members making the most of the generous access we have to our grounds and most of the time, we all do a great job of remembering the rules and regulations regarding grounds usage, but please take note of the following important rules:
Dates when grounds unavailable:
· 2nd Saturday of the month between 10am and 4pm. (YARC).
· When grounds are being used for competition purposes by either club.
· When the grounds have been hired to external equestrian groups to conduct competitions.
Gates that need to be locked:
· Please ensure that the following gates are locked before leaving the grounds.
· The double entry gates (must be closed at all times).
· The white gate that is close to the equipment shed.
· The junior yard gate.
· The gate to the cross country course.
· The toilet gates.
· The relevant website link is below:
o http://yhpc.org.au/membership/your-membership/
Non member access to grounds.
· Non members can only access our grounds, if accompanied by a member.
· Members are welcome to bring a guest to ride at the grounds on non rally days, providing their guest is insured and relevant paperwork and payment ($10) is completed in advance.
· Forms must be emailed to our Secretary, Jo Dobson.
· The relevant website link is below:
Guest riders at rallies
· Riders wishing to “come and try” a rally at our club are most welcome, providing all relevant paperwork and payment has been completed in advance.
· Enquiries should be made to our new Membership Secretary, Tanja Bird at: tanjanic@bigpond.com.au>
· The relevant website link is below:
· Please remember that if you haven’t paid your fees, you cannot ride on Sunday, as you are not insured.
· If you have not yet provided a copy of your WWC Card to Gen Brocksopp, please do so ASAP.
· Our Zone would still welcome any assistance from members who may be prepared to assist building cross country jumps at the PCAV Equestrian Centre. Please contact Gen Brocksopp if you can help.
YHPC Horse Trials – Keep the Date!
Our annual horse trials will be held on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th October.
Ring to Ride Groups
A reminder to all riders in the Black, White and Grey groups that you are required to advise your preferences to me by 5.00pm on Friday-please make the effort to send a text or email, even if you are not attending, as it makes planning a whole lot easier.
Phone 0425 759 565. Email: sineads5@bigpond.net.au
Happy riding!