DC Report October

Hi Members,

With our annual horse trials event around the corner, there is lots of activity around the club as we prepare to host one of the biggest pony club competitions in the State. It is really pleasing to see that almost 40 of our riders have already entered into this event and at our rally this month, we will focus on eventing and get as many riders as possible out onto the cross country before it closes.

A very big thank you to the members that promptly replied to let me know they couldn’t make it, it has been a big help in allowing us to cater the rally plan to suit those attending.


This month we officially welcome Madolyn Bonnici, who has joined the club after enjoying the September rally as a guest rider.

Rally Groups

This month we have changed the regular rally groups around to accommodate our eventing rally. Please note that where applicable, riders have been placed in groups according to the grade that they are competing in at our horse trials.

Rally Plan

This month we will try and prepare our riders for the horse trials and riders will find that their showjumping session will include instruction on how to walk the course, showjumping within time limits and correct protocol in the show jumping ring. On the xc course, riders can expect to pick up hints on warm up preparation, the start box and taking the right line. If a rider is unsure about any HT practices, please make sure you take the opportunity to ask your instructor at this rally.

Out and About

Congratulations to Maddy Ballinger and Sir Rivercorp, who represented our zone at the State Interzone Horse Trials and secured 3rd place in the Grade 3 section (individual) with the team placing 3rd as well!

I know there have been lots of other riders out and about as well, but sadly we have no photos to show. I don’t always have time to trawl through facebook photos, so if you would like to be included, please send your photos to Ciara at: yhpcwebsiteeditor@gmail.com

Good Luck

Best of luck to Georgia Bissicks and Alister Ling who are heading off very soon to South Australia to represent Victoria as part of the games team at the Pony Club National Championships. We look forward to hearing all about their experience on their return.

Good luck also to Abbey Turnbull who is heading off to Sydney next week as part of the Victorian team competing in the National Interschool Championships. Abbey is competing in the Intro section of the Horse Trials.

Working Bee

A reminder that our next working bee is on Sunday 4th October, 2015 @9.00am, followed by a BBQ at 2.00pm.

YHPC Horse Trials – Keep the Date!

Our annual horse trials will be held on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th October. If you haven’t already submitted your entry, please do so asap as places are becoming limited!

Ring to Ride Groups

Riders do not need to ring to ride this month as groups have already been allocated according to their eventing grade.

Happy riding
