Hi everyone
At the recent Prince Philip Inter Zone Games Championships, we had a group of young riders represent YHPC and what a super job they did!
We had 7 riders from our club and a regular from North Eastern PC that has been joining us in recent events. Congratulations to the following riders:
“The Bats”
Rose Stephen
Edward (Eddie) Darby
Mimi Pender (from North Eastern PC)
Georgia Bissicks
“The Stingers”
Ashey Davies
Jack Bissicks
Miranda Darby
Alice Darby
We can be proud of these kids for many reasons over the weekend. Firstly, “The Bats” won 1st place in the Junior (Under 16) section. That was an amazing feat for a team that are only 12 & 13yo. They rode an aggressive but careful set of 10 races to not only beat their peers, but in several races they also beat the Vic Squad Development team that rode HC in the same races. Edward Darby actually had his first games competition at this event – a real jump into the deep end. “The Stingers” are our novice team and a 7yo rider in Alice. Alice had a great day, and never stopped smiling. Her sister Miranda rode very well and will be a real gun in years to come. Jack rode the last leg of each race, and loved racing the completion to the line. The “Stingers” team were wonderfully lead by Ashley Davies who organized, directed and encouraged her troops all day.
Thanks to the club photographer for the day, Jasmine Gill, we should see some great shots up on our Facebook site and the club website soon. There were some great action shots and lots of lovely shots of some very happy kids. I was very proud of both teams who not only focused on their own riding, but also were there yelling and screaming encouragement to their club mates when they were not in the same race. The organizers commented on the great atmosphere that was there on the day, and I think our club had a lot to do with it. We should also thank the mums and dads who not only got the riders to practices and to the event, but they also helped with our duties of acting as line judges. We all gathered together near our floats/yards for lunch and there were lots of picnic treats to enjoy. We all sat back and enjoyed the clear mild weather that also helped to make this perfect day.
We have a great group of young riders in games again, and we are looking to build it up even more for a strong campaign next year. Our aim is to once again win the Zone Games Championships in April 2015 so that we can get a shot at the State title in June 2015. If you want to be a part of our “State Games 2015” campaign, let me know – we need you!
Go Yarrambat !!
Dennis Kerr