June DC Report

Hi Members,

Hope you are all well and coping with the chilly weather that the arrival of winter has brought. After a very cold week, the forecast for Sunday (at this stage) is for a sunny 18 degrees, so here’s hoping we can all make the most of our magnificent cross country course whilst the weather permits!

Thank you to the many members who helped out at our recent working bee where we ticked off lots of jobs from cleaning out cupboards, to repainting show jumps to rejuvenating our jumping grid ready for the May rally.

North Metro Zone Team Horse Trials 2015

A big thank you to the following riders who represented our club at the 2015 Yeringberg Team Horse Trials event:

Rosie Brocksopp                 Georgia Munro            Madeline Ballinger
Jasmine Gill                                                                     Isabella Savio-Papas
Lucy Yob                                                                            Dana Cassidy

These riders should be very proud of their performances both on and off the course, from brilliant x country riding to clear show jumping rounds to supporting each other, when things didn’t go quite to plan! It was really great to see all riders beautifully presented for dressage in their formal uniform with horses nicely plaited and looking their best, many with a very recent clipping!

For most of the riders at this event, some on new horses, some new to eventing, the day was more about the experience than the results and whilst we didn’t bring home the Shield, a fantastic team spirit was evident both on and off the course. That said, a huge congratulations to Jazzy Gill, who competed on her gorgeous new horse Cooper for the very first time and managed to secure a very impressive 3rd place!!

We were well represented both on and off the course, with our parents and fellow club members doing a fantastic job running 4 dressage rings. A special mention to members Georgie Sanchez and Emma Szepe, who were not competing in this event, but generously volunteered and covered our entire gear checking duties, which was a huge help and to Ciara who enjoyed judging the water jump in the sunshine and was very pleased to see the YHPC riders clear the water jump with ease.

Our assigned duties required a big effort from a small group, but there was a fantastic level of cooperation, making the day enjoyable for all. A huge thank you also to Gen Brocksopp who liaised with Zone and coordinated our duties, making sure all of our tasks ran smoothly and to Tony who spent hours on the xc course both in the weeks before and during the event.

Yeringberg is always a very busy day, but it is one of the few opportunities where our riders get to compete as part of a team, so well worth the effort. We could not participate in this event without the support of our riders and their families, so once again, thank you!aaaaaaa

Out and About

What a turn out we had at the recent Whittlesea Combined Training competition, where we had almost 20 riders enjoying a day of local competition. Lots of positive results too, particularly in the Grade 3 PC section where YHPC riders brought home 1st,2nd,3rd, 4th and 5th place!! In a very tight finish, Kristen Anderson and Annalise Turner ended up on the same total points, but a count back meant that a couple of time faults in show jumping for Annalise, cost her first place. Kristy wasn’t the only YHPC rider to bring home a flashy winners rug, with Alysha James also winning the PC Grade 5 section. Congratulations also to Georgia Munro who won the Open G3 section and congratulations to all of our riders at this event, from all accounts, it sounds like the YHPC team spirit was out in full force!

group whittlesea alysha and alice

Congratulations to Alice Davies who took out 1st place at the Boneo Park Equestrian Equathon which involves swimming, running and showjumping – brilliant effort Alice!

Still waiting for more pics….

If a photo of you and your horse has not made it to our new updated photo board, chances are you probably haven’t sent one in! Please email your photos (riders in YHPC uniform) to Ciara at yhpcwebsiteeditor@gmail.com

Working With Children Check –Deadline 1st July 2015.

A reminder that from the 1st July 2015, Working with Children’s Checks (WWCC) will be required for Parents/Guardians and Carers. All Parents/Guardians and Carers must be registered as Adult Supporting Members by the Club with the State Association at membership renewal time. For further information, please refer to the link below:

If you wish to consider getting a head start on your WWC application. Forms are available online via the link below:


Some groups may be slightly different this month, as a result of having a smaller rally over the long weekend. As it is also the end of the membership year, a review of all groups will take place over the next couple of months, once new and recurring memberships have been accounted for.


Whilst the majority of our members wear the correct uniform to rallies almost always, we do have some repeat offenders. If you received a note reminding you to wear the correct uniform, please take note. Why do we do this? In order to be fair, we need to ensure that all of our members, not only some, adhere to PCAV rules and club bylaws. Fact is, almost everyone would like to wear coloured jods!

Ring to Ride Groups – advise your preferences please!

A reminder to all riders in the Black, White and Grey groups that you are required to advise your preferences to me by 5.00pm on Friday-please make the effort to send a text or email, even if you are not attending, as it makes planning a whole lot easier.

Phone 0425 759 565. Email: sineads5@bigpond.net.au
See you on Sunday!